Whilst "Ca Va Chier" doesn't have an exact translation into English, there are a few phrases that come close. How about "There's going to be a Smackdown?" Or "Sh*t's gonna hit the fan?" It's also close to "You're ass is grass" and "I predict a riot." Got it now? Good.
This listing is for the PDF pattern ONLY. To buy the kit to make it yourself you can find the listing here: http://www.thebohostitcher.com/product-page/french-sh-t-s-about-to-go-down-cross-stitch-kit
he pattern itself completes at just under a 4" hoop which is the size of the frame I have used in the photo.
Please send me a message if you are interested in buying the completed item and I would be happy to discuss your requirements.
Happy Stitching!
French "Sh*t's About To Go Down" Cross Stitch Pattern